Support the Homeless people in Berlin
We support the people living on the streets of Berlin with basic amenities and warm meals.
Outreach and distribution events in last 5 years
Volunteers engaged in last years
People supported in last 5 years
Why is the topic of homelessness important for you?
I feel that volunteering with Rise challenges me on multiple levels and makes me feel “uncomfortable”, but in a good way: in particular, it forces me to think about the prejudices I have and to try and overturn them. Before Rise, I thought that people living on the streets in “rich” countries, like Germany or Italy, were homeless mostly by choice and that made me angry; so I chose on purpose an organisation supporting the homeless, because I thought I could not judge without knowing.
What I discovered during each and every session with Rise is a totally different reality: homeless people have often had a very tough life, much tougher than you and I can imagine! They were or still are victims of abuse, they lost their family, their job, their house. They have serious health issues and cannot get treatment, they depend on passers-by to get money or food and they are often ignored of not disrespected: no one can possibly choose all of this!
Despite this harsh situation, many of them still have hope, still smile and are kind with everyone-no matter who s/he is or looks like - they are still resilient and still willing to fight and get back on their feet: they just need help and a more inclusive and less judgmental society.
That’s exactly what Rise does and teaches to us volunteers: sharing the food, our time, helping a little as we can and respecting the person in front of us, her/his struggle and her/his courage.

Why he's involved in the topic of homelessness and what brings him back everytime and support our work.
My experience with the Rise Foundation has been very rewarding. I feel that the foundation is very professionally organized, and I think it's great that the foundation is always looking for new ways to support and to engage those in need. I think the foundation really tries to humanize those on the streets and has helped me to realize that each person out there has a story to tell.
I've always been very lucky in life - my family, my friends, and my community have always supported me and given me so much. The more I've gotten, the more I feel it's important to give a little back to my community, especially to those less fortunate than I am. I'm also still trying to articulate my own philosophy on charity and help - why I help, who I help, how I help, and each outing with the Rise Foundation is a new experience that gives me more food for thought.

Days until our next distribution event
Our Values.
We respect the people as they are
We put our words into action
We take a wider role in civil society
Volunteer with us
At Rise Foundation e.V. we consider our volunteers to be our greatest asset and need your help.
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Get in touch
Bruno-Taut-Ring 20 12359 Berlin
+49 17621998304